Who We Are
We are Healthy Conscious People! A network of people who are creating a ripple effect in faith-based communities. We have been passionate about health and wellness since 2000.
My transformation has been a 30-year journey, and I’ve learned some things along the way.
Professional Bio
National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, National Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Coach, and Certified Holistic Health Coach. Wellness Advisor for PhytoDental Solutions.
Attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, studying dietary theories, contemporary health issues and topics, and Eastern and Western nutrition. At IIN, engaged with many of the top professionals in the Nutrition field, such as Dr. Mark Hyman, Deepak Chopra, and Dr. David Katz of Yale University.
Additionally, having coached hundreds of people through telehealth with HIPPA compliance has prepared Coach Yo for such a time as this. To passionately be a compassionate coach ready to meet clients where they are and collaborate on what’s best for them.
Degrees, Studies, Certifications
Bachelor of Science / Birmingham Southern College, Birmingham Alabama
National Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Coach / CDC.org
National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coaching Certification / nbhwc.org
Certified Holistic Health Coach / Institute for Integrative Nutrition, New York City
Volunteer Health Coach / UW and Valley Medical Center, Seattle, Washington